Update > Roles and Responsibilities of Branch Executive Committee

Roles and Responsibilities of Branch Executive Committee


At every level, there needs to be clarity about exact roles, responsibilities and authority, in order to ensure coordination and coherence. Below are a few general titles and job descriptions for key officers in political parties at most intermediate organizational levels: provincial; district; and local.


  • Manages party office and program.
  • Proposes goals regarding membership recruitment, money, communications, etc.
  • Seeks input from elected officials and civic activists.
  • Coordinates with neighboring offices.
  • Facilitates decision-making.
  • Assumes responsibility for the financial and political success of the local office.
  • Recognizes and uses the skills and expertise of members.


  • Assists and supports the chairperson.
  • Deputized to be acting-chair when necessary.
  • Chairs special subcommittees.
  • Monitors political activity in the area.
  • Manages outreach to key local groups (e.g., farmers, students, etc.).


  • Arranges venue for party meetings.
  • Records minutes during meetings.
  • Reports minutes from previous meeting.
  • Consults with chair on agenda for meetings.
  • Prepares reports and other materials to be submitted at meetings.
  • Works with treasurer on presentation of financial statement.
  • Notifies members of agenda and date for next meeting.
  • Takes attendance at party meetings; provides sign-up forms.
  • Organizes with treasurer in collecting membership fees.
  • Maintains updated lists of members.


  • Drafts party budget and ensures expenses are paid on time.
  • Takes overall responsibility for managing funds.
  • Coordinates the collection of membership fees with secretary.
  • Liaises with constituency treasurer.
  • Works with secretary on financial statement.

There are other key positions in a party office such as directors of communication, finance, research, training, organizing and membership recruitment. At the local lev- el, where resources are often limited, one person may assume the duties associated with more than one of these positions. Moreover, in many political parties around the world, all of the party officers are volunteers, rather than paid employees.